Initial Schedules

Each Member has its own Schedule of Concessions on goods, which is either annexed to the Marrakesh Protocol to the GATT 1994 or to a Protocol of Accession.  Members have also established Schedules through other procedures.

Active Schedules
Inactive Schedules
Explainer: Active vs. Inactive Schedules
Active Schedule Counts
Uruguay Round
Protocol of Accession
Full Schedule
179 resultsExport to XLS
Member/contracting party Sort descending Schedule Status Last date Type Status Download
Afghanistan CLXX (170) Active 13.11.2015
Initiated on: 13.11.2015 Last updated on: 13.11.2015
Protocol of Accession In force
Albania CXLVI (146) Active 06.07.2000
Initiated on: 06.07.2000 Last updated on: 06.07.2000
Protocol of Accession In force
Angola CXXIX (129) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Antigua and Barbuda XCVII (97) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Argentina LXIV (64) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Armenia CLV (155) Active 26.11.2002
Initiated on: 26.11.2002 Last updated on: 26.11.2002
Protocol of Accession In force
Australia I (1) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Austria XXXII (32) Inactive 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round Withdrawn
Bahrain, Kingdom of XCVIII (98) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Bangladesh LXX (70) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Barbados XCIX (99) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Belize C (100) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
BENELUX II (2) Inactive N/A N/A
Benin XLVIII (48) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Bolivia, Plurinational State of LXXXIV (84) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Botswana CI (101) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Brazil III (3) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Brunei Darussalam CII (102) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Bulgaria CXXXIX (139) Inactive 20.09.1996
Initiated on: 20.09.1996 Last updated on: 20.09.1996
Protocol of Accession Withdrawn
Burkina Faso XLVI (46) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Burundi LV (55) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Cabo Verde CLXI (161) Active 06.12.2007
Initiated on: 06.12.2007 Last updated on: 06.12.2007
Protocol of Accession In force
Cambodia CLVI (156) Active 18.08.2003
Initiated on: 18.08.2003 Last updated on: 18.08.2003
Protocol of Accession In force
Cambodia XLI (41) Inactive N/A N/A
Cameroon CIII (103) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Canada V (5) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Central African Republic CIV (104) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Chad CV (105) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Chile VII (7) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
China VIII (8) Inactive N/A N/A
China CLII (152) Active 01.10.2001
Initiated on: 01.10.2001 Last updated on: 01.10.2001
Protocol of Accession In force
Colombia LXXVI (76) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Comoros CLXXVII (177) Active N/A N/A
Congo CVI (106) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Costa Rica LXXXV (85) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Cote d'Ivoire LII (52) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Croatia CXLVII (147) Inactive 06.07.2000
Initiated on: 06.07.2000 Last updated on: 06.07.2000
Protocol of Accession Withdrawn
Cuba IX (9) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Customs Union of Syria and Lebanon XVII (17) Inactive N/A N/A
Cyprus CVII (107) Inactive 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round Withdrawn
Czech Republic XCII (92) Inactive 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round Withdrawn
Czechoslovakia X (10) Inactive N/A N/A
Democratic Republic of the Congo LXVIII (68) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Denmark XXII (22) Inactive N/A N/A
Djibouti CXXXVII (137) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Dominica CVIII (108) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Dominican Republic XXIII (23) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
Ecuador CXXXIII (133) Active 08.08.1995
Initiated on: 20.07.1995 Last updated on: 08.08.1995
Protocol of Accession In force
Egypt LXIII (63) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force
El Salvador LXXXVII (87) Active 15.04.1994
Initiated on: 15.04.1994 Last updated on: 15.04.1994
Uruguay Round In force