Other rectifications and modifications

Members can undertake changes to their Goods Schedules due to rectifications and modifications of a technical nature and concessions, for example, in the context of the Agreement of Agriculture. 

In some cases Members can present a completely new Full Schedule.  

83 WTO Procedures
Status of various rectification and modification procedures
under 3-month period
under domestic procedures
under reservations
See visualisations

All procedures and legal instruments

195 resultsExport to XLS
Member Sort descending Procedure Last date Type Status Download
Norway G/MA/TAR/RS/618 06.01.2021
Initiated on: 25.09.2020 Last updated on: 06.01.2021
Other Certified
Norway G/MA/TAR/RS/5 30.01.1996
Initiated on: 30.01.1996 Last updated on: 30.01.1996
Rectifications of errors Certified
Norway G/MA/TAR/RS/507 28.11.2017
Initiated on: 28.11.2017 Last updated on: 28.11.2017
Agreement on Agriculture > Nairobi Decision Agreement on Agriculture Certified
Norway G/MA/TAR/RS/414 29.06.2015
Initiated on: 29.06.2015 Last updated on: 29.06.2015
Rectifications of errors Certified
Norway G/MA/TAR/RS/592 16.11.2021
Initiated on: 17.12.2019 Last updated on: 16.11.2021
Other Reservations
Norway G/MA/TAR/RS/618 06.01.2021
Initiated on: 25.09.2020 Last updated on: 06.01.2021
Other Certified
Norway G/MA/TAR/RS/5 30.01.1996
Initiated on: 30.01.1996 Last updated on: 30.01.1996
Rectifications of errors Certified
Norway G/MA/TAR/RS/507 28.11.2017
Initiated on: 28.11.2017 Last updated on: 28.11.2017
Agreement on Agriculture > Nairobi Decision Agreement on Agriculture Certified
Norway G/MA/TAR/RS/414 29.06.2015
Initiated on: 29.06.2015 Last updated on: 29.06.2015
Rectifications of errors Certified
Norway G/MA/TAR/RS/592 16.11.2021
Initiated on: 17.12.2019 Last updated on: 16.11.2021
Other Reservations
Norway G/MA/TAR/RS/414 29.06.2015
Initiated on: 29.06.2015 Last updated on: 29.06.2015
Rectifications of errors Certified
Norway G/MA/TAR/RS/592 16.11.2021
Initiated on: 17.12.2019 Last updated on: 16.11.2021
Other Reservations
Norway G/MA/TAR/RS/618 06.01.2021
Initiated on: 25.09.2020 Last updated on: 06.01.2021
Other Certified
Norway G/MA/TAR/RS/5 30.01.1996
Initiated on: 30.01.1996 Last updated on: 30.01.1996
Rectifications of errors Certified
Norway G/MA/TAR/RS/507 28.11.2017
Initiated on: 28.11.2017 Last updated on: 28.11.2017
Agreement on Agriculture > Nairobi Decision Agreement on Agriculture Certified
Pakistan G/MA/TAR/RS/83 07.01.2002
Initiated on: 07.01.2002 Last updated on: 07.01.2002
Additional concessions Certified
Pakistan G/MA/TAR/RS/61 05.05.2000
Initiated on: 26.10.1999 Last updated on: 05.05.2000
Additional concessions Reservations
Pakistan G/MA/TAR/RS/94 26.07.2005
Initiated on: 14.07.2003 Last updated on: 26.07.2005
Additional concessions Certified
Philippines G/MA/TAR/RS/591 17.10.2019
Initiated on: 17.10.2019 Last updated on: 17.10.2019
Agreement on Agriculture > Annex 5 (tariffication) Agreement on Agriculture Reservations
Philippines G/MA/TAR/RS/395 22.08.2014
Initiated on: 22.08.2014 Last updated on: 22.08.2014
Agreement on Agriculture > Annex 5 (tariffication) Agreement on Agriculture Certified
Philippines G/MA/TAR/RS/99 27.09.2006
Initiated on: 08.07.2005 Last updated on: 27.09.2006
Agreement on Agriculture > Annex 5 (tariffication) Agreement on Agriculture Certified
United Kingdom G/MA/TAR/RS/570 12.05.2022
Initiated on: 24.07.2018 Last updated on: 12.05.2022
HS2017, Full schedule Reservations
Korea, Republic of G/MA/TAR/RS/658 10.03.2023
Initiated on: 16.08.2021 Last updated on: 10.03.2023
Rectifications of errors, ITA Expansion Certified
Korea, Republic of G/MA/TAR/RS/98 06.01.2005
Initiated on: 06.01.2005 Last updated on: 06.01.2005
Agreement on Agriculture > Annex 5 (tariffication) Agreement on Agriculture Certified
Korea, Republic of G/MA/TAR/RS/56 17.12.1998
Initiated on: 09.12.1998 Last updated on: 17.12.1998
Additional concessions Certified